Friday, February 25, 2011

solidifying my stance.

My sister texted me from California, telling me the news. Yesterday, in Maryland's Baltimore Herald, one of the big stories of the day was titled, "Same-sex marriage bill passes first hurdle in Senate." The vote was 25-22, in favor of allowing same sex couples to marry.

In the midst of things rapidly changing all around the world on a daily basis, with everything in the Middle East being shaken, I'm doubtful that the pace will slow down or stay contained in that part of the world. I need to know what I believe and where I stand on different issues, including this one, without faltering between two opinions. We may not think right now that it's urgent to give thought to our belief system on the covenant of marriage--and covenant in general--yet in my gut, I feel as if we aren't going to have the convenience of time and freedom to really sort through what we believe for much longer. We need to know. Stand firm. Hold tight to eternal life.

My thoughts on this subject have brought up some ideas that I've been grappling with (and I want to back them up with Scripture once I have the chance to study out the issues that are coming up in my thoughts):

My belief system on same sex marriage has been extremely consistent my whole life. Romans 1. It's truth. Yet, last night my thoughts started sparking questions of WHY same sex marriage is against God's way and WHY He can't bless a nation that says that it is ok.

It's not okay. But we need to understand why. Because when the consequences of our choices start showing up in this nation, on our land, in the generations to come...we need to know that God is not to blame. Our lust is to blame. Our idolatry. Our self love.

When the next generation looks to see if there is anyone who is still standing for truth, I want to be one of those in that remnant. Not because I'm loyal to a political party. I'm not. This is not a democrat, republican, libertarian, whatever...issue. This is a human race issue. This is a separation from God issue. This is a sin issue that goes far beyond just the legalizing of same sex marriage. It is a reflection of the state of our hearts.


So WHY does it break God's heart?

I believe it largely has to do with the fact that God is holy and love, yet our lust separates us from Him. The carnal cravings of unredeemed man cause us to long for destructive lifestyles that in our mind seem good and right because we've not allowed truth to confront us.

I also believe that very few people today understand the foundational purpose of the marriage covenant. If we did, there wouldn't be people in office who are allowing laws to pass that violate the definition of marriage, nor would there be a generation tolerant to the point of wanting to love and accept everyone, without a plumbline of righteousness dictating how that acceptance looks.

However, I also think that the ultra conservatives who hate homosexuality just because they've been taught it's wrong without ever understanding WHY it is wrong, are just as deceived. Instead of a righteous anger that is birthed out of understanding the heart of God, there is a hatred that emerges towards people, which isn't God's heart at all. He wants all to know Him, all to walk in abundant life, all to experience His kindness in an intimate and real way.

I feel like this is an opportunity to press into God like never before, to let His voice and His love show me how to walk as things change and as the culture continues to reject His ways. I have hope that there are still those who are so hungry for what is true. I know that I am one of them. I've been both overly tolerant and overly staunch in my lifetime, so I know both extremes well. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if people define me as being kind or as being strong in my positions...what matters is if God is pleased with my thoughts and my actions. And if that means that He puts a righteous anger in my heart because of how we as a culture are disregarding Him, well then so be it. Because the truth is, lives are at stake in this. "The Valley of Decision" is for real. Freedom costs something to obtain.

God, help me to stand for you and don't let my love grow cold.

Shew. Enough thoughts for now.

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