Friday, February 25, 2011

My Week

This week I learned how to use a French Press for the first time. When I use the right coffee grounds and mix it with the right amount of milk, I literally feel like I'm back in Central America, enjoying a nice afternoon outside in the lovely beach breeze air.

That's a good feeling right there. Almost as good as it gets.

I made a pot roast! And it was good. That deserves a round of applause from myself, to myself.

It also snowed and rained this week, both of which I enjoyed immensely. Spring is on its way, and I can't wait. (I need to get in shape!) It hit me while driving around the other day, looking at the snow piled up on the hills around where I live, that if I didn't go through the cold of the winter, I would never be able to enjoy the spring in the same way. I like both seasons a lot. When the winter is coming to a close, I am so thankful that spring is on its way.

The joy!

My dad and I rocked out to Johnny Cash for a bit while I was driving him to pick up one of the cars that is in the shop. It was funny to watch him turn up the volume and really get into the song. Moments like that are not easily forgotten.

I also made a new friend. His name is Oliver. I keep forgetting what kind of dog he is, but he sure likes being around me. The fact that I am returning the sentiment is a big deal. As a kid, I had a long "what I want to be when I grow up" list, and veterinarian NEVER made the list. Call me heartless, but animals just aren't my thing. I like them from a safari bus in Africa or observing them at the zoo, but that's about it.

Considering the fact that I am the kind of person who quickly feels claustrophobic when I spend too much time with people, Oliver is unashamedly destroying that boundary. He follows me everywhere. Even if I go to the bathroom, he waits outside of the door til I come out! It's insane. I don't know of anyone else in the world who likes being around me quite that much. haha.

Well, except God. He never gets tired of me.

Oh the simple things. They are so beautiful.

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