Friday, February 11, 2011

but for the grace of God:

I would characterize myself as a pretty laid back person. You know, the kind who likes deep conversations, laughing, watching hilarious movies, long walks on the beach, peace and quiet.

However, there are a few things that really tick me off, and one of them is how the word grace has so often been taken out of a Biblical definition and shaped by the philosophies of a post-modern mindset. Or, how grace has been viewed merely as a tool for initial salvation from eternal damnation, instead of the ever life giving assistance of the Holy Spirit to accomplish more than is possible in our own ability.

But for this blog, I want to focus on the first reason--the abuse of grace. I know that the issues raised in this blog will require more studying out, but I don't want to lose my train of thought while my heart is feeling the offense that it must be to the sacrifice and overcoming power of Jesus when comments like, "Well, thank God for His grace" as a way to numb the conscience when the Spirit starts convicting of sin. That thinking is leaving the church powerless and ineffective, causing us to think blending in with the world is okay because we have grace. The opposite is true too, where we are full of judgment and pride because we are more holy than the rest. That makes me mad too.

The grace of God is a beautiful gift and not to be taken lightly or taken for granted.

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