hi, this is me. just me. nothing to prove. no need to make you see that i'm worth your time. you've been telling me i'm worth your time every second i've been alive. i'm still learning to believe this deep down. i want to love you. deep, wide, high, long. forever. i want to find that place where bad dreams can't get me, where fear isn't allowed to come in and the only hiding place is the one where you are the refuge and fortress. where hiding from being seen isn't allowed because vulnerability comes naturally, where i forget myself inside of Love. shame dies there. comparison dies there. running from relationship because all i can remember are the broken promises and inconsistencies. that dies too. trying to reach the epitome of success, where striving steals joy and peace...those aren't allowed in this Love. deep, wide, high, long. forever. i'm going to find myself in there.
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