Sunday, July 25, 2010

what is my destiny?

simply this:

to become a son of God. In becoming a son, I am becoming love. In becoming love, I am becoming an ambassador for a Kingdom that turns the table the changes the climate...darkness to light.

that's it. a son. Be passionate about the things God has gifted you with and allow Him to develop His character in you. And never ever ever dishonor another person just because you do not understand the things that stir their heart. For too long, giftings have been shut down because the church cared more about control than about releasing people, more about their way being right than about going low in order to serve. We need to change that culture.

Because the condition of your heart is reflected in how you think and that=the culture that your life carries (the presence that you carry when you walk into a room). How you think is directly reflected in how you treat people. Judgment and condemnation are not the spirits I want to walk in. Sons honor and restore...

just some thoughts.

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