Thursday, July 22, 2010

Summer holds so much happiness, like lightning bugs, swimming pools, outdoor porch sleepovers, late night movies, shorts, no-make-up days that last for weeks, tanned skin, natural pedicures, outdoor concerts, random camping trips, ultimate frisbee, enough time to read good books and spend time with good friends...

Yet, even in summer, sadness occurs. There are still things that happen to prompt grief...

A few weeks ago my dad was the on call clergy for the city detention center. Every year he volunteers for two weeks and rotates with other pastors. While on call, he received a phone call from the jail.

A 21 year old boy found a way to hang himself.

From what I hear, he was a good kid with a really sweet spirit--lots ahead of him once he kicked the drugs. And my heart broke for his family--and for a kid my age who didn't find life worth living anymore.

My response was, "That's it"...whatever it takes to give at least one person hope and a chance to believe that their future can be better than their past...

God, break my heart for the things that break Your heart. And as You do, give me the faith and courage to obey.


Silver lining said...

Your last two sentences serve as a prayer to wake with each morning. Beautifully expressed to renew our compassion on a daily basis. Thanks you.

Brianna Shea said...
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Caitlin Elizabeth said...

wow, thank you. I need to make that prayer a daily one.