Friday, May 14, 2010

today we live

I walked barefoot in grass today with a camera in hand and nothing to do except to notice things I often miss. Pure brilliance.

On the journey I came across a spider inside his web and tried to take a good picture, but the zoom wasn't the best. He still made me think. It must have taken a long time to build that web--a house that could easily be destroyed by my weak hand. But even if the web was demolished, the spider would still be a spider. Displacement wouldn't ruin identity. He would still know what he was made to do, and he would continue to do it.

I build houses too. Which is okay. They serve their purpose for seasons. But eventually the time comes to trust that another place will be found where a structure can be built for a season. I'm not sure where to go with these thoughts. That's all I've got. I am still very impressed by the spider's persistence to build a web. Maybe the hard work is not in vain? i don't see how it could be, if that is the Creator's design. I think tapping into design must be the most powerful force in the world. It probably doesn't happen without elements of fear, yet can't happen when fear is in control.

Thoughts of having a future and a hope also fill my heart. Expansive dreams and unlimited faith. The stuff of legends and myths. Discipline because there is a vision bigger than doubts...and because on the other side of obedience is salvation.

Today we live. Today I live. I will walk through grass today. Maybe with shoes on concrete tomorrow. But wherever my feet hit, that doesn't change the design that the Creator weaved before the foundations of the earth, before time even had a name or system. That puts my heart at ease. To find my design, my "for such a time as this" purpose...that is what I'm after. To know the Potter and to surrender as the clay to His hands.

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