Sunday, May 9, 2010

I am a college graduate as of two days ago.

I wrote that as a declarative sentence because I am still waiting for it to sink in. But man am I excited. :)

Today was Mother's Day. I went with my parents to a church in Williamsburg, where they were staying for the weekend. A woman prayed for me...

keys to the kingdom
I will not miss my destiny
more faith
protection for my faith
faith for the impossible

Her prayer brought a tangible refreshing to my spirit. I left feeling my heart start to dream again...start to ask again for God to give me visions for the impossible.

At my commencement, the man who spoke ended his speech with something like this:

"you are a son/daughter of the king. that makes you a prince/ princess. Conduct yourselves accordingly."

My car is stuffed to the point of being close to dangerous, and I am heading north. As I journey home to my family, that last statement will stick with me as I begin to step out into the new season...

"Conduct yourself accordingly. You are representing a King."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on graduating. I never got the chance to tell you bye. "tear tear"
