Tuesday, February 26, 2008

They need you

The world doesn't need anymore critics.

They need you.
A you that is burning with the passion of Jesus.
A you that recognizes that what the adultress man or woman needs is Him. Same with the prostitute and the theif and the broken and the hurting and the hungry and the abandoned.
sometimes he comes with tenderness.
sometimes with a stern love that rebukes.
sometimes both.
when you listen to Him, you'll know.
you'll know what is needed.
you'll know what to do or to say or when to move.

So my prayer is that He would make me more like Him. That I would burn with fire--straight from Him altar. That I would run with a passion for His Kingdom and a love for the things He loves. And if I love what He loves and really want to seek first His kingdom, I will simultaneously hate the things that he hates.

I want that orphan in Africa to know she is loved.
I want that girl with an orphan heart right in my city to know she is loved.
I want that broken father to know he can be restored.
I want that corrupt judge to fall to his knees in repentance.
I want...
a lot.

But it's going to take me looking like Jesus for any of that to happen. He's the one that sets captives free. And He lives inside of me.

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