Saturday, November 3, 2007

Live Like Hell...and Still Get Heaven?

As the daughter of parents who are full-time pastors, I know a lot of people who identify themselves as Christians. Yet, I've noticed that many people think that being a "Christian" is only a Sunday morning thing--like putting on a different kind of coat for a specific function. The rest of the time they live just like they want to, some claiming that such a lifestyle is what "freedom" really looks like.

I'm pretty sure that although God is full of compassion and slow to anger, He can still get angry. And hurt. And feel betrayed. I wonder how His heart must hurt when He sees the lack of commitment His so called children have for Him and His cause. It amazes me that He can still love us. Still fight for us. Still call us beautiful.

Paul understood the fervent love God had for him...that even while Paul was dead in sin, Christ would not just die for him, but meet him on the road to Damascus. Paul lost everything only to gain everything. For him, Christianity was not just a culturally moral name or a title to get him accepted into certain circles. Paul ate and drank and slept Jesus. His life was consumed with the One who paid the highest price possible so that he could be saved from sin and hell.

I want to live like that...with an abandoned to Jesus lifestyle that is always aware of how great a salvation I have been given. When I leave the four walls of the church where I worship with other believers, and start hearing the voices of the world screaming out to me, "Follow me! Follow me!" I want to be able to say, "My heart is satisfied by Him alone. This world has nothing for me."

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