Saturday, November 3, 2007

Choose Friends Wisely

Jonathan chose his friends wisely. He got his armor bearer to go with him to get the Philistines out of the land. That took guts...and the right people surrounding him...who were crazy just like him.

I was listening to a teaching by Banning Liebscher tonight. He said, "You've got to pick friends who are a little bit crazy, too. And you have to pick friends who want to change the world...who have made the same choice as you."

Choose friends who are CONSUMED!!! They need to BURN like you burn. Otherwise, you won't change history. Your focus and affection will be divided, because you are trying to keep your friends. Acquaintances are kind to everyone...shine the light of Jesus and love them with his passion. BUT a poor choice of who you let close to your heart could cause the fire God has burned in your heart to be completely snuffed out.

So....choose your friends wisely. BURN FOR JESUS. And trust Him to bring the right people around you, even if it means that you don't have any friends besides the Holy Spirit for a season.

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