Friday, October 19, 2012

Fingerprints are a fascinating subject.  

Earlier this week I went to the Sacramento Zoo to fill a few hours of time.  Everything about that zoo made me feel like I was back in Africa, except this time in the legit jungle.  It was a good for the heart adventure. When I got to the section with the Zebras, a sign explained that their stripes are actually just as unique as a human's fingerprint.  No two are alike.  Anywhere.  At any time. 

It got me thinking of each person's life.  The little details, like the doors we open every day, the hands we shake, the dishes we wash.  Those fingerprints are yours alone, to leave a mark on the world around you that is completely unique to who you are as a person.  Literally and scientifically, no one else in the world will ever be able to leave the exact same mark.  

Not sure where that thought will go, but at the moment, I just find it to be a huge tragedy and injustice that most of us go through life without ever discovering the unique gift to the world that's found in the fingerprint we carry. 

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