Sunday, April 11, 2010

"couldn't get anything out without my hands"

Tonight, after a convo with a musician friend of mine about why my heart felt sad, he told me this story...

"in India they view musicians almost like the catholic church views priests. They're revered, but they're usually dirt poor...You're born, and they stick an instrument in your hands and that's what you do the rest of your life. So some days it feels like a curse, like you have stuff floating around inside you and you have to play it out, and if you don't, then it follows you to bed that night and usually wakes up with you the next morning. But in some ways, that instrument is the only thing that makes life bearable." [mr. bill hugill]

I wish I knew what "instrument" I'm supposed to play in life.

"Rollins kicked it eventually, but what he would do, according to legend, was he would go climb up in the girders of the brooklyn bridge and play all night, so if you walked or drove across the bridge at night, you could hear him play..."

Wow. I wish I coulda heard that.

he finished by saying, "I couldn't live without my hands. I think I would die without them. I'd lose hope, I wouldn't be able to get anything out..."


ha, too much wishing for one night me thinks.

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