Sunday, November 8, 2009


Jesus, I wanna know what you look like...
there's nothing compared to the joy of the cross...
that place of being born.

"Got a mountain up ahead and a few I've left behind
So do you
The older you are, the more mountains you've left behind
And if you're like me
you've ran up to the top of those mountains sometimes so fast
that when you got to the top,
you were bored.
You looked back on that mountain and it defined
the little in your life
Cause a life isn't in the top of the moutain
Life's on the sides of the mountain
So you go over a few mountains in life.
Some of them you go over too fast and they define little
And you leave a few behind
But then you start to realize that if my present is the place that my future will define--
the sides of the mountain is what the top of the mountain defines
Then I want to slow things down
I want to take a little time
So help me Jesus
Help me do it Jesus." (Jason Upton)

"Allow God to write your story--that's what it means to be holy...God's intention for your life is for you to be holy--he wants you to pray and worship like He created you to worship...He wants you to eventually get to the place where you allow Him to write His story. If we never allow God to write our story, we're constantly trying to live somebody else's. That's what movements do. They push us to live somebody else's story. You weren't created to live somebody else's story hasn't been written yet. It's BEING written. So is yours. So we can't know where we're going cause there's nobody else like you. So we reaise our hands and surrender to You Jesus and say we wanna follow You Jesus..." (Upton)

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