Monday, March 7, 2011

thoughts from Ron Dart

"The Divine Life is for those who die to the demands of the ego. Such people will inhabit the Kingdom of Heaven."

...the first Beatitude promises us a taste of the Divine Life if and when we are willing to let go and die to the ego. The journey through many a dark night and darker cave points to other white-capped peaks on the far side of the valley. We are offered the opportunity to live in a kingdom that is infused with justice and peace. This Beatitude is not about spiritual individualism, and a private journey. Mature spirituality is both communal and political, and this is where Jesus is pointing. Such a communal and political journey is lived in time and history while looking beyond both. If the Divine Life and God's Kingdom are promised if we turn our backs on the toxic nature of the ego, what does this Divine and Kingdom Life look like in more depth and detail? If we are called to empty the cup of the ego and banish the thieves in the home of the soul, with what will the cup be filled, and how will our homes be renovated and decorated?

excerpt taken from Ron Dart's book "The Beatitudes: When Mountain Meets Valley".

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