Thursday, July 2, 2009


We build.

Erecting edifices around ourselves, constructing mighty castles —our very own kingdom.

(And Who doesn’t want their own kingdom? )

The materials are tried and true. broken dreams, resentment, disappointment, heartache, anger, shame, competition. They’ve existed…for too many generations to count. And somehow the material finds a way to take on a life of its own, growing stronger as time passes, finding a way to control the fabric of our being.

These sturdy walls—they keep us safe—

or so we think.

In the twists and turns life takes, we find ways to not hurt—to stay away from situations that could break our hearts. We become master manipulators in this game of survival. We build stronger castles. We find traditions and rituals to hold onto—to cling to when things get shaky—to keep things from getting shaky in the first place. We keep people out.


Not every kingdom is good. Not every tower is safe. Not every tradition is conducted in freedom.

So much energy goes into trying to convince ourselves that we are ok, when what our heart really needs is to know is...

that there is something more…

that freedom isn’t just a word.

And that’s why the breaking brings the healing. We need the breaking. It is essential.

Brokenness that unmasks our fears, our shame, our ways of control.

Maybe we’re afraid that God grows tired of us—that we need these castles because maybe He really isn’t as sufficient as He claims. Maybe this anger will protect us because what if he does become tired of fighting for us, of rescuing us, of bending down in his greatness to kiss broken humanity?

Our culture would agree. When people grow old, we toss them away. Isn’t that how God works too?

Yet He says that He is not man.

Maybe we don’t believe forever is possible. We’ve seen that people stick around for a while, but eventually love fades away. Maybe it’s the same with God, sticking around for a while, but eventually moving on.

Yet, even when we find ourselves thickly caught in the most solid of defenses, there is something inside that says forever IS real.

There really is a commitment that is stronger than death, more jealous than the grave, sturdier than the mountains.

It must be real. Because why else would we need a way to sedate ourselves when the ideal of forever gets betrayed?

Maybe the problem is where we are searching for that forever.

We search for the satisfaction of forever thinking it is found in the earth. Turning to other lovers who only disappoint, we think the only release from the pain is to build our kingdoms.

So we take up residence in the castles.

But if these castles are supposed to keep us so safe, why are we so miserable?

AH! We weren’t fashioned for a counterfeit freedom—a counterfeit love. We weren’t made for cheap. The cheap stuff isn’t supposed to satisfy!!! It can’t!

Deception keeps us in relationship with the counterfeit. It makes us think that the cheap is all we are worth. It makes us comfortable in the junk.

GOD, would you break the foundations of the kingdoms that we’ve made?!? The ones that keep us from You? That keep us from eternal life? That keep us from seeing your face? The cheap doesn’t satisfy. The counterfeit only robs. Deception keeps us from realizing the chains. We need real freedom. Only You can do that in our lives.

Take our buildings.
Break them.
re-build us to look like You.

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