Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lessons with Anne

My time in Delaware is coming to an end. In less than two days I will pack up my car and head home, back into the unknown.

Next door to where I am staying lives an elderly lady named Anne. She has the most beautiful white hair and a smile that is so full of love. But don't let the smile fool you, because that lady has zero time for beating around the bush. She tells it to me like it is, and I love her for it.

Over the past few months I would stop in to see Anne--mostly to talk about Jesus with her and to catch up on life. I don't think I've experienced fellowship like that in a long time. Her relationship with Jesus is so real and so alive--and her discernment is right on, too. There were days when God would be dealing with me about something, and I would walk into her house and she would know exactly what was going on. Then we would pray, and I would feel things shift. I think she was part of the reason I made it through the past few months of hard work. Her prayers are potent.

Tonight I stopped by for the last time while living in Delaware. I went knowing that I may never see her again after this visit--until heaven. It was a night that I will not forget, one of conversation that was full of wisdom, as she shared with me stories from her years of experience. I felt like I was living in moments that gold could not purchase--it was that precious.

As I was about to leave, she gave me a gift. It was a picture of a geranium that she purchased years ago while living in Connecticut, from a local artist. This morning she found it and thought of me. I cried a bit. When I asked her about the type of flower, she said, "It's what you are. It can grow anywhere." I will never forget that moment of encouragement that brought such life to my spirit.

She said lots of other things--I need to dedicate a whole post to just her words of wisdom. But even without the words, her spirit delivers the message--one of freedom and of living life from the heart. I am so thankful that I met her on my journey. Her face is one that I will never forget.

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