Sunday, June 15, 2008


CERTAIN means:

fixed, settled, dependable, reliable
known or proved to be true : indisputable
assured in mind or action

a CERTAIN love. a love that is fixed, settled, dependable, reliable, proven to be true, known to be true, indisputable. a love that is assured in mind or action--doesn't decide from day to day whether to love or not--it is consistent and unwavering. Even more dependable as the dawn breaking and the sun setting is certain love. Even stronger than a mountain that cannot be moved even by the most severe of winds is this love.

That's how God loves. The God kind of Love never fails. If it is really love, it can't be uncertain...because real love is never uncertain. Real love walks through uncertain situations without compromising itself. Real love is certain, and in that certainty, it is fierce. It is not safe. It can be soft if that is what is necessary. It can let go if that's what is best for the other person. But it never caves in. It never runs. It never breaks covenant or walks away.

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