Monday, May 12, 2008


Word Dutch Sheets spoke on the CD Undiscovered by Rick Pino....

"They heard a sound in Jesus' day, but they couldn't identify the sound, they missed it. They even heard the sound of John the Baptist--they heard the voice crying out, but they couldn't get it! You must hear the sound of the Spirit. You must hear the voice of God saying, 'Come to Me!' You must hear Him. You must hear the sound of heaven drawing you. You must hear the sound of His presence. You've gotta get to that place where NOTHING matters but the VOICE, the must get there. It must drown out all else in your life, all of your cares, all of your other desires, ,all of your passions. Everything else has to be brought down to a level where the loudest thing you hear is His voice saying, 'Come, Come, Come!'"

"As you bring forth the sound of heaven, the Lord says, 'I will begin to fill the atmosphere. It will be not what you say--it will be WHO YOU ARE! You will no longer wonder what it means not to be able to minister or move because of the weighty will KNOW my weighty presence,' He says, 'You will know My glory.'"

"YOu must ask Him to come! You must create an atmosphere for His Spirit. You must give Him worth. You must value Him above your next breath. You must ask Him to come. You must cry out until the sound of heaven reaches earth. You must cry out until your voices are one with His. You must cry, you must cry, you must cry out for it!"

"Agh!!!! COME!!!!! COME!!!!! You must come to us!!!! You must come!!!! We must have You!!!!! COME, COME, COME! Spirit of God, Come, we plead!!!! Let the voice many waters be a house for Your glory. COME, COME, COME!!! Holy Spirit, come with fire!!! FIRE, FIRE, FIRE!!!! Come with Your fire!"

1 comment:

photographybynicolen said...

WOW!!! Honestly I have no words to share, so why am i typing words. I hear this Dutch Sheets and Rick Pino and am a mess..........Thank you is all i can say anointed woman of GOD! Shalom and may you have the awesome and wonderful breakthrough you have been waiting ever so long. Sincerely Nicole Ramirez